Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally I am able to Add a new Post

Sorry about the delay in getting out a new post however the internet at Indian Waters in Indio CA has been bad. Yesterday they found out why- a bad cable.

We arrived safe and sound and a day earlier than planned at Indio (Palm Springs Area) on March 1. Moe and Lori arrived a couple of hours later after having a tire blow out en route. Also staying here are Di & Larry Hansen as well as gene and Carole Spracklan. Our other friends, Marv and Lora, who we met last April, are staying nearby at Desert Hot Springs.

Since the first we have had a whirl wind of activity visiting back and forth, as well as hosting an Oscars Party and dinner with Moe, Lori Lary and Di.

We have gone on two hikes, one to 1000 palms canyon area with Judy's friend Sandra and her husband Hank and one to the Painted Canyon with a group from the RV Park. We also checked out the big Tennis tournament on at the INDIAN WELLS Tennis Gardens and of course shopped.

The weather here has been cool and breezy but it is warming up as of today.

Since the only reason we were going to Yuma was to meet up with Moe & Lori and since they had changed their plans and met us here in Indio, we cancelled our stay in YUMA and are staying here in Indian Waters until the 16th when we head to Ramona Canyon near San Diego. We will be staying there until the 30th and then we will be heading home and expect to get home on the 4th or 5th of April.

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